יום שלישי, 8 באוקטובר 2019

My history - of messiah

I suffered a lot and suffering till  now - that is awfull.people do me nutsa and much more din.i did to them something in past
And they revenge.very bad people and that is mark levy my father,who is allready passed away,my father daniil levy,nave,alex
Gelberg,father of alex gelberg,tolik krupnik,dima krupnik ,rav gotlib,rav laitman,
Obama and trump also fathers , and more.

Tolik and father did disability full insurance
That is much money made ratsio and payed a little and in 2001 i experienced relativity and i was said that i have menthal disease
I could not measure speed of cars at street
I moved like in something smashed.
Also tolik did concentration problem he gave me at work to do many things togather,also tolik did signs in body was satan and did signs then jeshua removed him from body and i was redempted from that it was for 12 years.

Then martin tatyana tatyana did to me apotropus because i spent little bit much money instead of giving me money from
State,and god did me rich because i gave to all tsdaka for953  thrilliardov years and 953
Thrilliard year and more.and they relatives
Dont inform me about and give me little

I invented matrax mobile server and films
Like this full life,how it was and much more
I said full monologs and god did the films he has body he should rule somehow by
Psychiatrists and judges and should be the
Main from them and now he god is ahead of all the world physically.in talmud bavli
Sanhedrin page 62 daf bet line 39 written
That god has a physical body.

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